2011年3月13日 星期日



         大家可以參考下列的網址,裡面內容很多,但是主要是我下列截取的兩段,原來是Yahoo更新他們的搜尋引擎時,為了可以更 "準確" 的搜尋到使用者所需的資源,所以會先以他自家的無名為主,而其他的網誌空間的文章就不一定能上(我的文章是完全沒有),也曾經有部落客向他們反應,但是結果看起來還是沒有什麼變化,我們也能靜觀其變Yahoo的變化了。

Previously I thought that Yahoo!USA's “YST” technology is to find information faster and more precisely, however, it seems like Yahoo!Kimo is trying to prevent their users to find more blogs and more video clips. Are there more clips in Wretch Video than Youtube? Can it cover the whole world's video? Once more and more users are aware of the fact that they can't find what he wants with Yahoo!Kimo, they will turn away quickly and decide to use other search engines.

 After my interview with directors of Yahoo!Kimo Search and Engineer department, they told me that the reason they don't search comprehensively is due to limited corporate resources, so they decide to present new functions first and then step by step increase search resources. They also believe that Wretch Blog and Yahoo Blog represent most blogs in Taiwan, so the search result can already meet the need of most users. What do you think about their feedback?


